Labrador tea, or Greenland tea, actually has nothing to do with the tea plant.
Its beautiful large, downy leaves, harvested in the wild, nevertheless have therapeutic virtues as enviable as those of camellia sinensis.
Labrador tea also has a delicately tangy and vegetal taste reminiscent of fir.
Its essential oil is considered anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, decongestant and effective in treating various bronchopulmonary conditions (no wonder several Native American nations have adopted it to combat colds and flu); Labrador Tea is also known for its calming and slightly narcotic action helping to combat insomnia and anxiety; it is also recognized for its role as a liver drainer and liver cell regenerator. Finally, it is said to be digestive, promote the menstrual cycle and help promote labor in women about to give birth.
Ingredients : Buds, leaves and stems of Labrador tea. (Rhododendron groenlandicum)
Small downside however : Due to its richness in tannins, high doses or prolonged infusion can cause cramps and stomach aches. It is therefore better not to infuse it for too long and to ration its consumption. Consumption is also not recommended for pregnant women of six months or less and children under six years old.
Hand picked.
100% compostable bag.
25gr bag
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